New Arrivals - Mega CD

AX 101 (New)

AX 101 (New)

Mega CD

Shoot Em Up - £34.99

Full motion video shmup in a similar vein to Slipheed seeing you battling your fighter to the far away planet of Prism in order to get the super weapon to s...

Arcus I II II

Arcus I II II

Mega CD

RPG - £44.99

Produced by the legendary Wolfteam comes a classic fantasy RPG making fine use of the CD quality music and intros. All very well drawn and with a lush, retr...

Yumemi Mystery Mansion

Yumemi Mystery Mansion

Mega CD

Simulation - £14.99

Exploring the revolutionary Full Motion Video world with realistic graphics and CD quality sound and voice overs. Involves finding keys and searching around...

Lunar The Silver Star

Lunar The Silver Star

Mega CD

RPG - £16.99

An enchanting plot, sublime sound and intuitive yet effective controls make this one of the main reasons to own the system, besides the cult classics. Updat...

Genki Retro Gaming & Consoles